College Majors
Consequently, few people know the diversity of opportunities after colleges.
The Bachelor's degree covers many disciplines, and it can be difficult to see clearly. Here are some of the most significant areas taught in college: Arts, Foreign Languages, Law, Economics, Management, Humanities, Social Sciences, Science, Technology, Health, and Theology. It would be unfortunate, however, to neglect the assets a college has.
Because it is open to all, college allows great freedom in the construction of the courses of the students. Recent reforms have attempted to adapt the pathways to the realities of employment. It is still approximate in some ways, but it should not discourage you.
Also, do not forget, whoever enriches his or her curriculum with a wise specialization choice, a second degree and relevant internships have no reason to delay. The most important thing is to construct the course coherently, from the first year of college. Many doors can open if you do this.
Academic Streams With No Professional Outlets
A quarter of college students are enrolled in the humanities and humanities curricula, which are the most heavily criticized regarding professional integration. Specific disciplines of the social sciences (sociology, anthropology, etc.) know the same problem. Its most famous outlet is education, but the volume of available positions is much lower than the number of students.
The sector has since struggled to adapt to the realities of the labor market. Formerly disciplines of excellence, humanities are no longer as socially rewarding as they were fifty years ago.
I do not want to teach after college...what do I do?
By choosing a major, you can train in one or more domains. Double majors allow you to practice in two areas and obtain two distinct degrees. There are also sectors that are selective but have the advantage of being well paid.
A double major is an undeniable asset, and the labor market requires more and more careers in economics, law, finance, marketing, and communication. Those who do not wish to be oriented towards teaching or research, should be aware that there are many other possibilities, provided they research these at the beginning of their studies.
However, there are numerous cases of students changing their major and this should idea not make you panic. It is reasonable to fumble while seeking your voice. The main thing is to be consistent in your choices, and the sooner you make a decision, the better. If you are only moderately interested in a specific area of study, nothing prevents you from starting your studies in the subject that you are passionate about and completing your profile afterward.
Remember, the juridical branch is, along with medicine, one of the most highly rated at college. This demanding branch provides a variety of career opportunities: the classic judicial professions, such as lawyer or judge, the occupation of an in-house lawyer, and also the sector of the civil service. It is also an excellent intellectual formation to bounce back to other pathways.
Also, more and more young people do not wait until the end of their studies to create a business. Student-entrepreneur status was designed for them. With the agreement of their college, they benefit from an arrangement to set up their business and can replace their internship by working on their entrepreneurial project.
Also, consider optional courses and internships. You have everything to gain: on the one hand it will help you to build a professional project that corresponds to you, and on the other hand you will have on your resume relevant experience, and you will create a network of knowledge which could bring you ideas, even a job. You could try working for a home alarm company, for example.